Teleseminars, Webinars: What are they?
A teleseminar is simply a seminar held by phone. Some are free and some are not. When you sign
up for a teleseminar or webinar (a seminar held by use of your computer and the internet), you will
be given a phone number to call and also what is referred to as an access code (this is a code that
you use your telephone keypad to enter). You will then be joined to your call/teleseminar. If a
webinar, you will be given a link to attend and will be able to view via your computer. There are
times when you can view by web and listen by phone; others via web only.
Teleseminars and webinars can also be meetings, trainings,classes, book tours and more. Charges for
the calls will follow your normal long distance plan. Charges for the actual seminar are dependent, of
course, on the host.You do not have to speak on these unless you care to or if it is a class, of course,it
would follow class guidelines. Some teleseminars are also held simultaneously via the computer so
you can use either your phone or the web. In this case, you are given a link to attend.
Teleseminars, Webinars: Why are they so popular?
What are the benefits?
In addition to the individual subject of the teleseminar or webinar, there are:
NO gas expenses
NO hotel expenses
NO travel worries or costs
NO parking charges
NO food expenses
NO childcare expenses
NO driving or traffic
NO car rentals
NO business attire - actually, you can even attend in your pjs
NO planes and airport hassles
and the list goes on
All you do need is the desire to learn and attend. The access to great teleseminars and events;
a phone and/or a computer. All in the comfort of your own home or office.
Easy access. Great info. Powerful learning atmosphere.